Why respect is job one

Respect is a strange place for a social media platform to focus.

Is this really all that different from the Like button on Facebook or Twitter? Definitely. In Weave, respect means one thing: you enjoy hearing what the other person has to say. Even when you disagree.

Unfortunately, this type of respect is being snuffed out on the internet. And the problem is bleeding back into the real world.

Does the Respect button work the same as Like? Absolutely not.

  1. Like is a quick little compliment, while Respect is integrated across Weave's entire platform. Users Respect posts they want to hear more of. They don't need to agree - maybe they disagreed but found the post respectful anyhow.
  2. Nobody knows who wrote the post they just respected. But when both sides respect each other, that mutual respect is a basis for trust. Users check over respected posts to make sure the respect is sincere.
  3. If both people decide to move forward, they get to see the identity of the other person. And begin sharing confidences in the Inner Circle. No more aliases.

Respectful disagreement is important and achievable. Watch this clip of one of the most liberal Supreme Court Justices discussing one of the most conservative.

